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Tag: Holy Spirit


Sharing Mangoes

By: Megan Mantey

Missions have been a priority of Holy Cross since I can remember. As a daughter of the congregation (1995-2004) and now a missionary sent out and supported by Holy Cross, the work of the Holy Spirit through missions is quite evident. It especially follows the words of Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The Holy Spirit enables Holy Cross to do missions locally (Jerusalem), regionally and nationally (Judea and Samaria) and even in Honduras and Uganda (end of the earth).

Since Mark and I serve as the witnesses of the work in Uganda, we wanted to share a story of how the Holy Spirit works through his people there and how Holy Cross is a part of that work. Mark and I serve at the Lutheran Theological College Uganda which is the seminary for the Lutheran Church of Uganda. Men from all over the country are called by the Holy Spirit and sent by their congregations to attend seminary, so they can receive further training. One of the main emphases at the seminary is evangelism and church planting.

"As Americans, the notion of evangelism work is terrifying!"

Talk to my neighbor… about Jesus? Many of us have more “what if’s” or doubts about the notion… I know it has stopped me in my tracks from broaching the subject.

Yet, the pastors, leaders, and evangelists in the Lutheran Church of Uganda have it figured out. One seminary student, Henry, in particular could not ignore who he is as a child of God and steadfastly follows the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Every weekend he would take a backpack, filled with Bibles in several languages (depending on who he would meet), his Small Catechism (as it is a valued teaching tool in Uganda) and several mangoes (to share with those along the road). One day I was able to go with him on his rounds of visiting people house to house and I was amazed at how the Holy Spirit led our conversations.

I admittedly was intimidated. I was fearful at not having the right words. However, as we visited, walked and talked, it was definitely the Holy Spirit leading our words and actions. We met a young woman who was struggling with her husband. We were able to sit, listen, encourage and pray with her. We met an older man who was mourning his wife. Again, it was the presence of being in community and being there with him, as some would say “the ministry of presence” that had the strongest impact.

"Another family had many questions about Christianity and we sat and answered all their questions and read Scripture, as we shared some mangoes."

Each place we visited, the Holy Spirit guided our words, Scripture verses to read, our prayers and even times to remain silent. In those moments, we knew the Lord was sculpting our time together for His will.

The next day, I went to worship at the congregation in the village with Henry. As I was being introduced to everyone, I saw some familiar faces from our walk the previous day. Some were curious children who had seen us walking on the road together.

"But there was one family in the back that I recognized from sharing mangoes the day before."

They had come to learn more (and ask more questions!) about Christianity and the church. I knew it was the Holy Spirit calling and leading them there! Henry knew just what to do. He introduced them to a “grandmother” of the congregation who he knew would sit with them, hold the babies, help them in worship, and also answer their questions. He also knew she would call on them later in the week.

I was amazed at how the Holy Spirit utilizes us, even with our doubts. There weren’t profound words used or fancy programs planned. Instead God, the Holy Spirit, met us where we were, so we could share the love of Christ through Word and deed. Through those interactions, Holy Cross Lutheran Church was with us. As your missionaries, you send us out to be on guard and ready for those opportunities.

"Yet, the Holy Spirit also guides, calls and enlightens all of us in Colorado Springs too."

How is he calling you to serve and share the love of Christ with those around you? How can you help connect those to the body of Christ just by being willing and able? Even through a shared walk and a mango, the Holy Spirit works through us. I wonder what that could look like here.

Bio: Megan and Mark Mantey are LCMS missionaries serving in Uganda. They are also one of the mission families that Holy Cross supports. Megan is a Director of Christian Education (DCE) and mental health counselor and Mark is an accountant. Both serve at the Lutheran Theological College Uganda, which is a Lutheran seminary, located 15 miles from Jinja, Uganda. To learn more about their ministry visit www.lcms.org/mantey.


More Blessings Than I Imagined

  • Spotlight on Homebound Visitation Ministry

By Alice Beverly

“In as much as you did it to the least of these my brethren you have done it to me.”  Matthew 25: 40

What is Homebound Visitation?

Under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Homebound Visitation Ministry is well and active here at Holy Cross. God has raised up caring people who have committed to calling on our homebound approximately once a month. Our homebound consist of those people who, due to age, illness, or lack of transportation, are no longer able to attend church on a regular basis. These calls are in addition to calls from the Board of Lay Ministry who take the Lord’s Supper to them.

How Did We Start?

At an intercessory prayer meeting in July of 2016 concern was raised regarding the elderly and ill members who were a part of our membership but in some cases overlooked. This concern was put before the Lord in prayer. It was at this prayer meeting that the Holy Spirit touched Lorrie Faunce and me. It was like He lifted us out of this meeting and gave us a very, very sensitive heart for the homebound. Lorrie and I talked immediately after the meeting and we knew without a doubt that we were called to this ministry.  We were excited but overwhelmed. Our immediate agreement was that we would do this in God’s power, in God’s way, completely under His direction. We visited with Pastor Doug, and he stated that he had been concerned about the homebound and gave us his blessing. Lorrie and I were amazed and excited about what God was doing. He raised up visitors beyond our expectations. We were expecting the ministry to take a while to get going, but that isn’t what God wanted. It happened and it happened quickly. It’s been an exciting journey. At one point in time there were 25 visitors!


Blessings Upon Blessings

At one time I was privileged to visit a lady who had recently become a widow. We bonded very quickly as I was recently widowed also. We could feel for each other and shed a lot of tears together. We became very close and she looked forward to my visits. She read her scripture, so we were able to talk freely about God and pray. We were truly sisters-in-Christ. I was able to minister to her until her death, and I grieved for her. (This is probably the hardest part of the ministry.)

I was also privileged to visit another lady. It took a while for the visits to be comfortable. She did not want to talk about God but would let me pray with her when I left. Our friendship grew and I shared my faith with her. When I was leaving, after several months of visits, she would say, “I love you; come back.”  Shortly before she died she wanted me to say the 23rd Psalm with her. I grieved for her also.

There are many more reports of beautiful times and visits. This ministry is very rewarding and I would certainly urge anyone to whom God has given the gift of love, encouraging, serving, mercy or contributing to the needs of others to spend some time in this ministry. You will be blessed.

One Visitor’s Experience

By Renee Williams

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”  1 Corinthians 12:27

Sometimes the body of Christ is lonely and feeling disconnected because they are unable to attend church. Our homebound members are that part of the body. Their hearts are connected, yet they desire a warm smile, a listening ear, a reassuring hug, a sweet reminder that God loves them and we love them too!

It is a joy and an honor to be a part of the Visitation Team and visit with our special homebound members. A few years ago I joined this wonderful ministry thinking I could help someone feel the love and connection of our congregation. However,

“I receive more blessings than I imagined.”

When they open their door, I receive the biggest smile and a hug or two. I have the privilege to hear their life stories, to become part of their family and to know we are connected together through the love of our wonderful Father in heaven.

Please remember these sweet members in your prayers. They feel the love of our church body when we take time to visit and connect once again. Perhaps you want to help make a difference and connect with our homebound members too. Lorrie Faunce and Alice Beverly, would love to get you connected.