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Tag: love


Being a Member of LWML at Holy Cross

By: Gail Neal

One of my favorite Bible verses is in Micah 6:8:

He has told you, O man, what is good;

    and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

    and to walk humbly with your God?

As a member of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League at Holy Cross I am learning more and more the importance of living this way and the impact that a group of women who love the Lord can have in bringing it about in each other’s lives and to those who are in need.

Lutheran Women in Mission is a part of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Although I grew up in an LCA (Lutheran Church in America) church, I discovered very young that I wanted to be involved in missions in some way. I even studied missions in seminary and looked for a way to serve the Lord with an eye towards missions.

Most of my life my “mission” has been to students:  junior high, high school, and college. However, I have had the opportunity to take some mission trips and to discover how God is working in other cultures and is using those who love Him to reach others.

This is happening in LWML at Holy Cross.

As I am involved with Sarah Circle, the women’s board, and serving with the women of Holy Cross, I see Micah 6:8 being lived out. Let me begin by seeing this in the last phrase “and to walk humbly with your God.” The first goal that I see being lived out in LWML at Holy Cross is to meet our need to know God more and to be closer to Him in our own personal walk. This is encouraged in our circle Bible studies, in our yearly themes, in our devotions that we have together and in our fellowship. In order to walk humbly with God, we need to know Him and His Word and to allow Him to fill us with His humility.

“To love kindness” is lived out as we serve the members of Holy Cross, our community and our world. LWML at Holy Cross works diligently to raise money and to serve with various missions. We are a part of the larger LWML which raises money to support various ministries across the globe. We help with these missions through our collection of “mites” which goes to the national and district LWML service projects. However, we are also serving in our own community and church. We are actively involved in helping the Pregnancy Care Center, Orphan Grain Train, and other local and state missions. We assist with our own church pantry and help others who need prayer and service. Personally, I have had LWML sisters bring me food when I was ill and I know I am prayed for!

Finally, “to do justice.”  To me, this is what it is all about. The reason LWML exists is because there is so much injustice in our world. By sharing the Truth of Christ with each other and through missions, we are helping those in need and bringing some peace, joy, hope and light to dark places.

I believe that God has called me to serve Him and I have found many opportunities in LWML. All women of Holy Cross are a part of LWML and can serve (and be served) as much as they choose to be involved.

Finally, I will share the LWML Pledge which summarizes all that we do and why we do it: 

“In fervent gratitude for the Savior’s dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption, we

dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for

workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He

has need of us.”



God Sightings

By: Marcy Serby and Christine Berglund

As you well know, lots of things were cancelled in 2020: graduations, concerts, in-person school and church, eating in restaurants, and so much more. But the most important things were not cancelled: love, kindness, generosity, faith, hope, and God working in and through his people.

We love to talk about “God Sightings” here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, and the staff has watched God work through his people, even during the pandemic. Generosity is a long-standing virtue of the people of Holy Cross and 2020 has been no different.

You may not be aware, but the youth at Holy Cross have been active in serving our members and our community since classes began again in the fall. With more time available for class on Wednesday nights, DCE Dan’s youth programming provided time for students to engage in service one week a month. Some groups have connected with our homebound members through letter writing and sending cards. One of our homebound members recently called to say how thankful she was for everything the students and other members are doing to reach out to people who are homebound like her. Some of our homebound have even written back to our students, beginning an encouraging relationship. One Affirmation class made fleece blankets to donate to the Springs Rescue Mission and fleece hats and scarves that were given out through our food pantry. Other small groups have served in the food pantry. How beautiful to see God’s love demonstrated through acts of service by our youth!

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1Timothy 4:12

In the fall, we received a request from Grant Elementary to help provide masks for their students. Holy Cross rose to the occasion in an amazing way. Patty Dennard, a member of Holy Cross and counselor at Grant Elementary, had this to say about the project:

“During one staff meeting, it was mentioned that students were coming to school without masks or if they had one, it was way too big or it was the only one they had and it was getting really dirty. Within seconds, I was trying to find some way to find child sized masks so our students could comfortably learn and stay safe. I took a chance and reached out to Holy Cross. I had no idea that my request of Holy Cross for mask donations would turn into such a blessing for so many! None of the searching and procuring of amazing resources that I have done, for any school, during any year, for students and families, have come close to what Holy Cross has done for our school and community.

When Holy Cross heard of the request from Grant Elementary to provide “some” masks to our students, there was an overwhelming charge of people who came to the rescue.  Holy Cross members orchestrated one of the most amazing acts of service I could have ever imagined. There were groups of people who served as material-cutters, mask sewing masters and packagers. This assembly process was nothing short of a miracle in the making! You made it possible for students to not only have masks that fit their tiny sweet little faces, but they had fun patterns to wear making coming to school and wearing masks all day so much more pleasant. Kids are extremely resilient! They loved choosing masks and have worn them with pride and confidence! Thank you for taking the time, dedicating the energy, taking the risk and following through with the amazing mask gifts! You have made such a difference in so many ways.

The love and sacrifice you collectively provided for Grant Elementary truly is remarkable and amazing. Making masks for our in-person learners has been an answer to prayers from teachers, administrators, students and parents alike!”

What a blessing to see the church come together to do the good work we have been called to do!

“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” Hebrews 6:10

We also saw God at work over the holidays. Every November, Holy Cross provides a Thanksgiving dinner basket giveaway for the community. Because of the generosity of our people in 2019, we already had enough funds to provide 200 Thanksgiving food baskets and turkeys to our neighbors and schools in need, as well as Crossfire Ministries. Instead of cash for baskets, we asked the congregation for winter apparel, and your response was overwhelming! In addition to a Thanksgiving meal, the people in our community received hundreds of winter coats, hats and gloves. Then one week after our give-away, two neighboring schools asked for a few coats for small children. Again, your response was overwhelming – with several people purchasing brand new coats. You supplied more coats for over 50 additional children!

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40

As December approached, we didn’t know how our Giving Tree would work this year since District 11 students were distance learning. We didn’t put any gift ideas on a tree and instead simply asked for donations so we could provide gift cards to students and families in need. Our hope was to provide 227 gift cards based on the needs reported by the schools. One family donated 10 actual cards, and we purchased the rest with donations that were given by members. When all the funds were added up and cards were purchased, we found that we had EXACTLY 227 cards total! Praise God for his amazing provision!

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

Love is not cancelled. Kindness is not cancelled.

God is still calling Holy Cross members and friends to serve one another in 2021, through our phone ministry, our Helping Hands ministry, and through each and every member who loves his neighbor through acts of kindness that are small and large.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing Holy Cross with your grace and mercy and for giving our members a heart to serve. May our neighbors be blessed by “God sightings” and feel your love and presence through our words and deeds. Amen.  




More Blessings Than I Imagined

  • Spotlight on Homebound Visitation Ministry

By Alice Beverly

“In as much as you did it to the least of these my brethren you have done it to me.”  Matthew 25: 40

What is Homebound Visitation?

Under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Homebound Visitation Ministry is well and active here at Holy Cross. God has raised up caring people who have committed to calling on our homebound approximately once a month. Our homebound consist of those people who, due to age, illness, or lack of transportation, are no longer able to attend church on a regular basis. These calls are in addition to calls from the Board of Lay Ministry who take the Lord’s Supper to them.

How Did We Start?

At an intercessory prayer meeting in July of 2016 concern was raised regarding the elderly and ill members who were a part of our membership but in some cases overlooked. This concern was put before the Lord in prayer. It was at this prayer meeting that the Holy Spirit touched Lorrie Faunce and me. It was like He lifted us out of this meeting and gave us a very, very sensitive heart for the homebound. Lorrie and I talked immediately after the meeting and we knew without a doubt that we were called to this ministry.  We were excited but overwhelmed. Our immediate agreement was that we would do this in God’s power, in God’s way, completely under His direction. We visited with Pastor Doug, and he stated that he had been concerned about the homebound and gave us his blessing. Lorrie and I were amazed and excited about what God was doing. He raised up visitors beyond our expectations. We were expecting the ministry to take a while to get going, but that isn’t what God wanted. It happened and it happened quickly. It’s been an exciting journey. At one point in time there were 25 visitors!


Blessings Upon Blessings

At one time I was privileged to visit a lady who had recently become a widow. We bonded very quickly as I was recently widowed also. We could feel for each other and shed a lot of tears together. We became very close and she looked forward to my visits. She read her scripture, so we were able to talk freely about God and pray. We were truly sisters-in-Christ. I was able to minister to her until her death, and I grieved for her. (This is probably the hardest part of the ministry.)

I was also privileged to visit another lady. It took a while for the visits to be comfortable. She did not want to talk about God but would let me pray with her when I left. Our friendship grew and I shared my faith with her. When I was leaving, after several months of visits, she would say, “I love you; come back.”  Shortly before she died she wanted me to say the 23rd Psalm with her. I grieved for her also.

There are many more reports of beautiful times and visits. This ministry is very rewarding and I would certainly urge anyone to whom God has given the gift of love, encouraging, serving, mercy or contributing to the needs of others to spend some time in this ministry. You will be blessed.

One Visitor’s Experience

By Renee Williams

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”  1 Corinthians 12:27

Sometimes the body of Christ is lonely and feeling disconnected because they are unable to attend church. Our homebound members are that part of the body. Their hearts are connected, yet they desire a warm smile, a listening ear, a reassuring hug, a sweet reminder that God loves them and we love them too!

It is a joy and an honor to be a part of the Visitation Team and visit with our special homebound members. A few years ago I joined this wonderful ministry thinking I could help someone feel the love and connection of our congregation. However,

“I receive more blessings than I imagined.”

When they open their door, I receive the biggest smile and a hug or two. I have the privilege to hear their life stories, to become part of their family and to know we are connected together through the love of our wonderful Father in heaven.

Please remember these sweet members in your prayers. They feel the love of our church body when we take time to visit and connect once again. Perhaps you want to help make a difference and connect with our homebound members too. Lorrie Faunce and Alice Beverly, would love to get you connected.