Tag: Bible stories


The Best VBS

By: Lizz Massey

In the midst of this strange year, God has provided many blessings in ways that we never expected. A few that I personally witnessed this year were being able to attend college, visiting with my family at Christmas, having a job that put food on the table, and being able to attend church in person. In addition, God has led me here to Holy Cross to serve in ministry with you.

I arrived in Colorado Springs and hit the ground running. It was Vacation Bible School week.

What fun! I met so many new people, heard great Bible stories, sang fun songs, and of course ate delicious snacks. As I observed the flow of the week, I thought to myself what a blessing it is to be able to enjoy VBS in person. So many churches have needed to scale down their programs, tried to have VBS online, or even chose to cancel it altogether. While this year may not have been what Holy Cross has been accustomed to in the past, there were still over 90 children able to receive the love of Christ through their crew and station leaders, singing songs, and interacting with each other. I am also sure the parents appreciated a much-needed time of solace that some may not have enjoyed since the beginning of the pandemic.

While I was sitting at the registration table chatting with my new friends Gail and Peggy, the conversation centered around what we have learned over the past 18 months.

We discussed that all of us evaluated what is really important in this life. This extended to our VBS.

  • There were not many decorations.
  • We had to have everything outside.
  • We used items that we already had stored in the church.

None of those things really mattered. The really important thing that we shared was the love of Christ as their personal Savior to over 90 children. They were eager to come back each day and spoke of VBS being “the best” and wanting to come back for another week! What a blessing to share the love of Christ deeply with a child.

Through this crazy year we have had, God has shown us that it is okay if things are not “perfect.” It is okay if things look a little bit different. What has not changed is the love that God pours out on us every day and the relationships that we create with others.


The Kid VBS Was Made For

By: Marcy Serby

When I was a child my father was an alcoholic, so things were rather chaotic in my home. We didn’t experience much love or kindness. God was certainly never a part of our young lives. My brothers and I loved Sunday mornings though, because on Sundays our family did something fun like bowling or putter golf. My Lutheran friend Christi didn’t get to do anything fun because she had to go to church – every Sunday!

When I was 8 or 9 years old Christi brought me to Vacation Bible School at her church. I cannot tell you one thing that we talked about, one craft we made, or one song that we sang; but I remember feeling “different” and “safe” when I was with this group of Christians, and I remember loving to hear stories about Jesus. I was so disappointed when the week was over because VBS was like a flashlight in my dark world.

“I was the kid VBS was made for.”

Fall came and Christi invited me to Pioneer Girls at her church on Wednesday nights. Yes, over 50 years ago a Lutheran church had Wednesday night programs. I guess some things never change. I was excited to hear the Bible stories and again felt different when I was at church.

Fast forward another year or two, and I asked my parents if they would drive me to church on Sundays. They enrolled me in a Sunday School at a church I had never been to, and I went to church and Sunday School by myself. They never walked inside that church.

Vacation Bible School and Pioneer Clubs played a major role in introducing me to Jesus – and for that I will forever be grateful. I will also always be grateful to Christi, whose initials are on the Ripple Effect banner in our sanctuary. 

I am a life that was changed by the grace of God through prayer, VBS and Pioneer Clubs; and I am so thankful there were people to shine their light on Jesus so I could see Him.”