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Tag: Sunday school


Become Like Little Children

By: Randyll Tansey

I am honored and blessed to be able to teach Sunday school at Holy Cross! Thank you for sharing your little ones with us each week. I love getting to know them and am beyond blessed being able to see the Holy Spirit work through their little hearts.

“They are a complete joy!”

Even though it’s a new year, it’s hard not to think about the one we just had and through it I realize just how resilient our Holy Cross children are, and have been, through it all. Thankfully, we’ve been able to “re-open” and are back to meeting in-person.

“I’m so grateful that we get to spend this time together again learning God’s Word.”

It’s been a year full of change and flexibility from whether we’re going to have Sunday school in Hiller Hall or upstairs, or if we’re even going to be able to safely have Sunday school at all, and through it all, the children have been eager and hungry to learn God’s Word without any complaint about change or disruption.

It’s not just the children where I’ve seen the Holy Spirit working, but through everyone involved in the Sunday school program. There’s a whole “team” dedicated to a successful Sunday school morning.

  • The opening leader who introduces the lesson, which the kids love because they get to enjoy music and dancing with their friends.
  • The support of having the crafts and snacks all prepared and delivered before class.
  • The great student helpers that the younger kids look up to and with whom they have so much fun.

It’s one big, supportive fellowship family full of all different ages, worshiping and supporting each other in a fun-filled, heartwarming, loving environment where our precious young ones can ask questions and learn from God’s living Word.

One of the favorite times in my classroom is when we all gather in a circle on the floor and pray together. God’s presence is abundantly clear as the sometimes wiggly little legs and arms become very still while we all bow our heads and fold our hands taking turns going around the circle to say a prayer or give thanks, if they feel like sharing, knowing that even if they “pass” God hears them just as clearly.

“How pleased God must be during this precious time worshiping Him!”

Throughout the Bible, God makes it clear that the role of children in our lives is important, but I’m especially reminded when I read these Bible verses:

Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

“What humble, genuine and curious hearts they all have, with such simple and trusting attitudes!”

They each have a pureness and an eagerness to please and seek God in their own unique way. Every Sunday I’m reminded by the Holy Spirit working through them that this is how I should strive to be and what a gift from God to be reminded of His truth, love and comfort through such young faithful hearts.


The Kid VBS Was Made For

By: Marcy Serby

When I was a child my father was an alcoholic, so things were rather chaotic in my home. We didn’t experience much love or kindness. God was certainly never a part of our young lives. My brothers and I loved Sunday mornings though, because on Sundays our family did something fun like bowling or putter golf. My Lutheran friend Christi didn’t get to do anything fun because she had to go to church – every Sunday!

When I was 8 or 9 years old Christi brought me to Vacation Bible School at her church. I cannot tell you one thing that we talked about, one craft we made, or one song that we sang; but I remember feeling “different” and “safe” when I was with this group of Christians, and I remember loving to hear stories about Jesus. I was so disappointed when the week was over because VBS was like a flashlight in my dark world.

“I was the kid VBS was made for.”

Fall came and Christi invited me to Pioneer Girls at her church on Wednesday nights. Yes, over 50 years ago a Lutheran church had Wednesday night programs. I guess some things never change. I was excited to hear the Bible stories and again felt different when I was at church.

Fast forward another year or two, and I asked my parents if they would drive me to church on Sundays. They enrolled me in a Sunday School at a church I had never been to, and I went to church and Sunday School by myself. They never walked inside that church.

Vacation Bible School and Pioneer Clubs played a major role in introducing me to Jesus – and for that I will forever be grateful. I will also always be grateful to Christi, whose initials are on the Ripple Effect banner in our sanctuary. 

I am a life that was changed by the grace of God through prayer, VBS and Pioneer Clubs; and I am so thankful there were people to shine their light on Jesus so I could see Him.”


Life-Long Faith Journey

By: Jeff Cluver

Last Friday I had the sincere pleasure of sitting in on the Affirmation conversations here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Listening to these young people talking about their faith journeys took me back to when I was a young man, and I couldn’t help but compare their statements to what I would have said when I was their age. You see, back then I was just checking off the boxes. I grew up in the LCMS. I got baptized (check), I went to Sunday school and church (check), I went to Saturday school and VBS in the summers (check), and I completed Confirmation (check). All my boxes got checked; I was done. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe; it just took me until I was in my early twenties to finally acknowledged Jesus in my heart as my Savior.

Like me at that age, some of these young people were timid and shy, never looking up from their papers and only answering questions when directly asked. Unlike me at that age, some of them were bold in their statements and confident in the love that their Savior has for them. Some were honest with us and themselves that they are still struggling with what it is that they believe exactly. But all of them confessed with their lips that Jesus is the Lord of their life and the one to whom they turn to in times of trouble.

These are some examples of statements that touched me deeply:

“When I am sad, my tears are His.”

“Being confirmed will help me thrive in my journey with God.”

“Jesus needs me and I need Him.”

“I know that my faith will blossom into something great.”

and my favorite is, “He is crazy in love with us.”

These examples clearly showed me that these Confirmands understand that they aren’t “done,” that learning about Jesus is a life-long journey and that there is more to it; that we respond to His love for us. They understand that He has plans for us to spread His love to a world that desperately needs Him. Most of all, it shows me that they understand just how much Jesus loves them, that He is crazy in love with us and holds our tears in His hands.

I invite you all to pray with me for these young people, that they continue to grow in their faith journey, that they would trust in God’s plans for their lives, and that they fearlessly spread the love of Christ to those around them all to the glory of God. Amen.