Tag: Thanksgiving Baskets

Thanksgiving Baskets

God Sightings

By: Marcy Serby and Christine Berglund

As you well know, lots of things were cancelled in 2020: graduations, concerts, in-person school and church, eating in restaurants, and so much more. But the most important things were not cancelled: love, kindness, generosity, faith, hope, and God working in and through his people.

We love to talk about “God Sightings” here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, and the staff has watched God work through his people, even during the pandemic. Generosity is a long-standing virtue of the people of Holy Cross and 2020 has been no different.

You may not be aware, but the youth at Holy Cross have been active in serving our members and our community since classes began again in the fall. With more time available for class on Wednesday nights, DCE Dan’s youth programming provided time for students to engage in service one week a month. Some groups have connected with our homebound members through letter writing and sending cards. One of our homebound members recently called to say how thankful she was for everything the students and other members are doing to reach out to people who are homebound like her. Some of our homebound have even written back to our students, beginning an encouraging relationship. One Affirmation class made fleece blankets to donate to the Springs Rescue Mission and fleece hats and scarves that were given out through our food pantry. Other small groups have served in the food pantry. How beautiful to see God’s love demonstrated through acts of service by our youth!

“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1Timothy 4:12

In the fall, we received a request from Grant Elementary to help provide masks for their students. Holy Cross rose to the occasion in an amazing way. Patty Dennard, a member of Holy Cross and counselor at Grant Elementary, had this to say about the project:

“During one staff meeting, it was mentioned that students were coming to school without masks or if they had one, it was way too big or it was the only one they had and it was getting really dirty. Within seconds, I was trying to find some way to find child sized masks so our students could comfortably learn and stay safe. I took a chance and reached out to Holy Cross. I had no idea that my request of Holy Cross for mask donations would turn into such a blessing for so many! None of the searching and procuring of amazing resources that I have done, for any school, during any year, for students and families, have come close to what Holy Cross has done for our school and community.

When Holy Cross heard of the request from Grant Elementary to provide “some” masks to our students, there was an overwhelming charge of people who came to the rescue.  Holy Cross members orchestrated one of the most amazing acts of service I could have ever imagined. There were groups of people who served as material-cutters, mask sewing masters and packagers. This assembly process was nothing short of a miracle in the making! You made it possible for students to not only have masks that fit their tiny sweet little faces, but they had fun patterns to wear making coming to school and wearing masks all day so much more pleasant. Kids are extremely resilient! They loved choosing masks and have worn them with pride and confidence! Thank you for taking the time, dedicating the energy, taking the risk and following through with the amazing mask gifts! You have made such a difference in so many ways.

The love and sacrifice you collectively provided for Grant Elementary truly is remarkable and amazing. Making masks for our in-person learners has been an answer to prayers from teachers, administrators, students and parents alike!”

What a blessing to see the church come together to do the good work we have been called to do!

“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” Hebrews 6:10

We also saw God at work over the holidays. Every November, Holy Cross provides a Thanksgiving dinner basket giveaway for the community. Because of the generosity of our people in 2019, we already had enough funds to provide 200 Thanksgiving food baskets and turkeys to our neighbors and schools in need, as well as Crossfire Ministries. Instead of cash for baskets, we asked the congregation for winter apparel, and your response was overwhelming! In addition to a Thanksgiving meal, the people in our community received hundreds of winter coats, hats and gloves. Then one week after our give-away, two neighboring schools asked for a few coats for small children. Again, your response was overwhelming – with several people purchasing brand new coats. You supplied more coats for over 50 additional children!

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40

As December approached, we didn’t know how our Giving Tree would work this year since District 11 students were distance learning. We didn’t put any gift ideas on a tree and instead simply asked for donations so we could provide gift cards to students and families in need. Our hope was to provide 227 gift cards based on the needs reported by the schools. One family donated 10 actual cards, and we purchased the rest with donations that were given by members. When all the funds were added up and cards were purchased, we found that we had EXACTLY 227 cards total! Praise God for his amazing provision!

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

Love is not cancelled. Kindness is not cancelled.

God is still calling Holy Cross members and friends to serve one another in 2021, through our phone ministry, our Helping Hands ministry, and through each and every member who loves his neighbor through acts of kindness that are small and large.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing Holy Cross with your grace and mercy and for giving our members a heart to serve. May our neighbors be blessed by “God sightings” and feel your love and presence through our words and deeds. Amen.  



Thanksgiving Basket

A Time to Serve?

By: DCE Payton DeVencenty

Hey Holy Cross!

I am sure you are astounded, as I am, that the holiday season is here once again. Thanksgiving and Christmas are holidays I am not sure I am ready for this year, but like it or not, they are coming in fast.

For many years now, Service Ministries have been most clearly represented at this time of year because of our heavy emphasis on providing food, gifts, and community to those in need as winter rolls in.

“Just think about how last year, in our 2018 Thanksgiving Baskets drive, we were able to provide 200 meals to families in need!”

There are quite a few wonderful ways to get involved around the church right now, from serving in our Thanksgiving Baskets ministry on November 23rd to providing gifts for kiddos who aren’t fortunate to have gifts this Christmas. Lyn Hente, a member at Holy Cross, has been so moved to head up the Thanksgiving Baskets Ministry for over five years, and has seen many families be cared for through the simple act of assembling baskets and handing them out on one November Saturday a year. But what about opportunities which aren’t a one-off event? What about service which is more than returning a (thankfully received) gift?

I am beyond blessed to have been called to the position of Director of Service Ministries here at Holy Cross, and it is my hope that more of us begin or continue to serve together as these holiday months approach.

“Yet, it is easy to allow a time of the year to dictate our service, considering there is a nearly 50% jump in volunteerism nationally around the holidays.”

So this year I ask you to consider jumping in with us in aiding people during the holiday season, and seek to find a place where you can join myself and others in serving year-round. Please begin to pray and work with me towards developing ministries which are more than a time of the year.

“Ministries which Jesus’ Spirit moves and works through every day as He directs us.”